Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Guidance through dreams

Recently I've started a new practice. Immediately upon awakening I ask God to tell me what I need to hear today, and so with that intention and focused in my heart, I open a random page in the Bible. And the first verse I spot is my "message of the day". All messages I received till now were very relevant...

This morning I did it a bit differently because I dreamed about pharaoh Tutankhamun and his image engraved on pink jade or a similar precious stone. In fact, I dreamed about a book with this image on the cover. My father (who usually represents God the Father) showed me this book as something very important, something that his colleagues at the university put together. It was an important legacy.

Now I googled Tutankhamun and he seemed to have been the worshipper of the One God, the spiritual Sun behind the physical sun. Tutankhamun was the son of Ikhnaton, who according to the Ascended Masters teachings was an embodiment of Mark Prophet and who introduced the One God/Sun worship. Here is an excerpt from Elizabeth Clare Prophet's lecture:

Thirty-three centuries ago, Ikhnaton recognized the one God in the spiritual sun behind the physical sun, and he called this God "Aton."

Ikhnaton visualized the Infinite One, Aton, as a divine being "clearly distinguished from the physical sun" yet manifest in the sunlight. Ikhnaton gave reverence to the "heat which is in the Sun,"as he saw it to be the vital heat that accompanied all life. To me, that says that Ikhnaton understood that the heat of the sun represented its spiritual energy.

Ikhnaton created a symbol that depicted Aton as a golden circular disk from which diverging beams radiated. He was careful to point out that the solar disk itself was not God but only a symbol of God. Each diverging beam, or ray, ended in a hand extending over every person as a blessing, and in some depictions the hand brought the ankh, the symbol of life, directly to Ikhnaton and his Queen.

Ikhnaton also saw God as a personality whose "beams nourish every field" and "live and grow for thee." These beams are the very seeds of light and sparks of light that form our own threefold flame in the secret chamber of our heart. Padma Sambhava once told us, "God's infinite rays of light are a part of you, for all rays and all sons and daughters of God hail from the one Source." In other words, we, at our very core and in our very essence, are also formed of God's light.

Ikhnaton wrote a hymn to Aton that has often been compared to Psalm 104 because it expresses many of the same ideas of the one God imminent within his creation and within the heart of man; it also shows that Ikhnaton knew he owed his very life and success to Aton.

Hymn to Aton

Thy dawning is beautiful in the horizon of heaven,
O Living Aton, Beginning of life!
When thou risest in the eastern horizon of heaven,
Thou fillest every land with thy beauty;
For thou art beautiful, great, glittering,
high over the earth..
Thou art in my heart.
There is no other that knoweth thee,
save thy son Ikhnaton.
Thou hast made him wise in thy designs
and in thy might.

There were some other parts in the dream so I wondered what actually the message is. And so I went to the Bible: I asked, closed my eyes, focused, breathed deeply :) and as I was moving my fingers across the side of the Bible to "feel" where to stop, a distinct number appeared in my mind: 444. I felt this is the page I should go to. In that moment I opened my eyes and checked which page I am on.... and it was 444! Wow! And the title of the page: The twelve sent forth to preach.

Now I am trying to put it all together... could it mean that I should preach about the One God worshipped by Tutankhamun and Ikhnaton, and not only that but put it in writing?? Possibly. Oh my. Oh well :)

Thank you God for guiding me and showing me the way. You are Great.

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